This drama takes place during the turbulent Spring and Autumn Period and tells the well-known story of the downfall and revival of Gou Jian, King of Yue. After his defeat, Gou Jian was captured and enslaved by King Fu Chai of Wu. Faking submission and loyalty while secretly planning revenge during his imprisonment, Gou Jian is eventually allowed to return to his native Yue. Upon his return to rule, Gou Jian strengthens the kingdom with the help of talented advisors and politicians like Fan Li and Wen Zhong while weakening Wu internally through bribery and strategic diplomatic dealings. "Wo Xin Chang Dan" is a phrase coined to depict Gou Jian's perseverance and self-imposed hardships designed to constantly remind himself of the humiliations he withstood while serving Wu.
Allah kimseyi hiç bir devleti başka bir devletin kölesi esiri yapmasın Bu kadar igrenç bu kadar alçaklık olurmu Orospo evladları bile bu başbakanın yanında hiç kalır böyle insanında bakanında anasını avradını gelmişini geçmişini gelecegini dünya sapıkları
Ya yuenin Kralına ne demeli bundan sonra yaşasan devleti kurtarsan ne yazar onurun haysiyetin şerefin gitmiş namusun ihlak edilmiş düşman kralının bokunu yemişsin